Sherry Polsgrove
District 6170 - District Governor-elect
Sherry was born and raised in Russellville, Arkansas where her penchant for giving back and belief in “service above self” began.
In January 2013, Sherry joined the Russellville Downtown Rotary Club and quickly accomplished many of the goals she set. In 2017, the Club recognized her efforts by awarding her the Rotarian of the Year. She went on to serve as Club President for the 2017-2018 Rotary year. Sherry is a graduate of District 6170’s Jeff Farris Leadership Academy and served a three-year term on the Academy Board. She also received the Presidential Leadership Award and served as Interact Advisor for the local high school. Sherry’s work and passion for Rotary was not limited to her local club. She dedicated much of her time to District 6170 where in 2018 she participated in the Heart2Heart Pilgrimage to Mexico and was named District 6170 Rotarian of the Year. She was the Area 1 Assistant Governor for 3 terms. Other areas of service at the District Level include serving on the Visioning Team, Chairperson of Interact, Youth Services committee, Audit Committee, and MAPETS Facilitator and Evaluator. Because Sherry believes so deeply in giving back, Sherry supports the Rotary Foundation, being a Major Donor, a Benefactor, a member of the Bequest Society and the Paul Harris Society. Shortly after Sherry and Al Ray Taylor married in November 2022, they joined the efforts to begin the River Valley Sunset Rotary Club, which chartered in August 2023. Both traveled to Mexico for the November 2023 Heart2Heart Pilgrimage. Now, Sherry is member of the new District 6170 Polio Plus Society and RAGAS.
Sherry’s career path has led her through various jobs in banking, real estate, and management. She has operated her own ladies’ accessory shop and even served as a Daycare Director. In addition to her Rotary work, Sherry serves as Secretary/Treasurer for the Arkansas/Oklahoma/Missouri Regional Council of United Commercial Travelers, another “giving back” organization. In 2006, UCT named her as the “Fraternalist of the Year”, the highest recognition given to their members in the United States and Canada. Sherry recently retired from the accounting field and has joined Al Ray in volunteering in church music ministries and playing with their grandchildren!
A graduate of Arkansas Tech University with a degree in accounting, Sherry was appointed to the Arkansas Tech Alumni Board and served as Alumni Board President in 2018. She is still actively involved in “all things Tech”!
Having grown up in the family peach orchard, Sherry still enjoys riding her old tractor, bushhogging and carrying on her father’s tradition of providing a community turnip greens patch! She loves tending to this garden and it gives her great pride to issue an open invitation to anyone to come by and “pick a mess of greens”! And now, besides spoiling the grandchildren, they look forward to attending lots of Rotary events.

Warren Lovinger
District 6110 - District Governor-elect
Warren Lovinger became the Governor Elect of District 6110 on July 1, 2023, and will serve as Governor in 2024-2025. Warren has been a Rotarian for over 42 years—having joined the Nevada, Missouri Rotary Club in 1980, soon after moving to that community. He grew up in Warrensburg, Missouri, graduated from Central Missouri State University, went on to the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland, and then completed a Residency at Barnes Hospital of St Louis, Missouri. Warren met Marilyn Ratzlaff in St Louis, at the church where they were both members, and they were married in 1979. After moving to Nevada, Missouri, they were blessed with four children. Three are now practicing physicians in Missouri, while the fourth lives in Switzerland. Seven (soon to be eight) grandchildren provide great joy to the senior Lovingers. Their other interests include gardening, growing pecan trees, travel, and community service.
Warren served twice as President of the Nevada Rotary Club, where Marilyn is also a member. They believe in the importance of stewardship and recently became members of the Rotary Foundation’s Arch Klumph Society. Warren completed the District 6110 Leadership Academy in 2021 and recently served as Assistant Governor in Missouri. His community involvement in Nevada has included 18 years on the Board of Education, co-founder of the Osage Prairie YMCA, youth sports coaching, and serving as a Presbyterian Elder. He has been a “Citizen of the Year”. Most recently, the Lovinger family has been promoting economic development in their region.
Warren practiced Internal Medicine for 40 years in Nevada—providing outpatient, inpatient, consultative, and long term care services. He served in many physician leadership roles locally and at the state level—including serving as President of the Missouri State Medical Association in 2017-2018. He feels that this experience helped prepare him for the rigors of being the Governor of Rotary District 6110. He and Marilyn are excited about the opportunity to visit Rotary Clubs and the many wonderful Rotarians in our large four-state District during 2024-2025!

Brian Rega
District 6150 - District Governor-elect
At some point someone identified you as “a Rotarian who doesn’t know it yet”. Brian Rega (REE-guh) was one, too. Twice–
In 1993 he sought out Rotary looking for a way to give back. He’s a firm believer in the Muhammad Ali philosophy that “service to others is rent you pay for your room here on Earth.” After aging out of the Jaycees, he was exploring his options.
He did an entry-evaluation period after which you had to commit to Rotary, and them to you. Only, he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t guarantee them that he’d be there every Thursday morning. He offered to turn in his red badge rather than be a disappointment to his concept of what Rotary was, and they accepted.
Occasionally over the next twenty-plus years a Rotarian might ask him to visit and his answer always the same– “I can’t tell you that I’ll be there every week.” One day he came to his current club to present a program and saw that Rotary had evolved. It wasn’t so much about whether or not you’re here, as much as what you bring to, and get out of Rotary. This time they invited, and he accepted.
So, here he is today, the son of a polio survivor, doing what he can to make the world a better place, one Rotary project at a time. His classification is Health Care: Assisted Living Administration, and he’s proud to (finally) be a Rotarian.
Rega was graduated from Arkansas State University with a major in Communications and minor in Business Administration. His career path led him into broadcasting, healthcare marketing, and for the past twenty-five years, senior housing. He holds certifications in Facilitation, Dementia, Aging Services, and Senior Housing Occupancy.
Brian was honored to lead the Rotary Club of Jonesboro, Arkansas during their centennial in 2019. Having trained under Ed Hardesty, he’s been a facilitator or steering committee member for MidAmerica PETS since 2016. Previous Governors from 6150 have invited him to serve as Membership Attraction and Engagement Chair (2 years), Club Visioning committee (4 years), and District Trainer (2 years).
He married to Jennifer, a Rotarian and Registered Nurse Case Manager Supervisor for a major insurance company. They enjoy going to estate sales, which is basically going through other people’s stuff, while not parting with near enough of their own. He’s an avid collector of Presidential campaign buttons and Santas.
Outside of Rotary Rega serves on the Boards of Jonesboro City Water and Light Plant, and Success Federal Credit Union.

Jack Werner
District 5750 - District Governor-elect
Jack L. Werner, Ph.D., is the District Governor Elect for District 5750 that encompasses the northwest quadrant of Oklahoma , including Oklahoma City. A forty-plus year member of South Oklahoma City Rotary, he has served the club in nearly every capacity Jack and his daughter Lynn are both Paul Harris Fellows.
Through Rotary, he works to help those with disabilities. He is currently working to raise funds for a ropes course for disabled children at the Oklahoma RYLA youth camp and has worked with SOKC Rotary to sponsor a 5K Run to raise funds for Mobility Worldwide, an organization that furnishes mobility devices for disabled people in underdeveloped countries. ShelterBox is another of Jack’s passions for service through Rotary’s participation. He serves as the district 5750 representative for ShelterBox.
Jack Owns A to Z Inspections, a large commercial and residential inspection company in Oklahoma City. He is a forty-plus year member of the South Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce. A certified accessibility inspector, Jack provides inspections and advice to help achieve compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act He was awarded the OKC Mayor’s Clearing the Path Award for his work toward accessibility. The NAHB named him the national Instructor of the Year for his work teaching classes to help builders and others apply accessibility standards. Through his business career, Jack enjoys opportunities to mentor and help people lead a well-rounded life, always including an invitation to join Rotary!
Jack served with the United States Army, December 1, 1966 – December 1, 1970; Russian linguist, 4 th Infantry Division, K Co., 75th Airborne Rangers, two
tours in Vietnam. Jack enjoys sharing his life with his partner, Suzanne, and his four adult children and six grandchildren.